Saturday, December 29, 2012

Better Late Than Never...Our Engagement Story

Well, it's official...WE ARE ENGAGED! What a wonderful early Christmas present!  So, since many of you were inquiring how Dennis proposed and what the ring looks like, here it is... (Sorry it took so long, I've been out of commission with an ear infection all week.)

Dennis asked me to meet him downtown on Wednesday evening for dinner.  I, knowing that I needed to make nine dozen cookies for a cookie exchange after work the next night, was not exactly thrilled and protested a bit.  He assured me that we would have an early dinner and still have plenty of time to bake. 

The evening started with dinner at one of our favorite restaurants - Noodle Company. Afterwards, Dennis wanted to walk to the point to see the lights. Again I protested and said it was too cold and we should just go home. He said a quick walk would warm me up.  So on we went to Point State Park.

We walked through the mud right up to the Christmas tree.  There with the tree to one side and the skyline to the other, Dennis got down on one knee and proposed (not in the mud, there was a concrete slab).  Of course I quickly said yes!

Then we headed back to the parking garage to get my car. I had left the ticket in the car, so we went and grabbed that before going to the pay station.  Me, being still in shock from the whole proposal, locked my keys in the car. So, Dennis called AAA and we waited until someone came to unlock the car.

Afterwards, we went to see my parents and sister and then his parents and brother. It was a wonderful evening and I couldn't be more happy! Thank you for all the well wishes! We are very blessed!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome December!

When I started this post at the beginning of the week, I intended on making up for the last month of not keeping this blog updated with an end-of-the-month list of 30 things I'm thankful for; however, as started to write the post, I realized that my brain was far too much into Christmas to dwell in the past of November and Thanksgiving.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful!  I have an amazing family, a wonderful boyfriend, a new apartment to call home, a job that pays the bills, my health (well, not right now) and fabulous friends - I am very blessed and thankful this year.

I had the day off today, so I've been thinking a lot about how I plan to spend the holiday season.  I did some more decorating today around the apartment.  My gift lists are complete, so now I just need to complete the shopping.  Dennis and I are working on the Christmas cards and baking cookies to deliver to special people from our families, work places and churches.  Thanks to Pinterest I am obsessed with the random acts of kindness lists.  Instead of my normal daily goals, I incorporated these.  I also made a holiday bucket list for Dennis and I to attempt on the few nights that neither one of us has work or a meeting.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Start of the Holiday Season

For me, the official start of the holiday season is the annual wreath party at my church.  Since I was a small child, this has always been one of my favorite days of the holiday season.  My sisters, friends and I would wear the red wreath party t-shirts and serve homemade cookies and cranberry tea to congregation and community members attending the party. 
After we had fulfilled out duties, Nancy Price, the wonderful woman who started and led this wonderful tradition at our church, would patiently teach us kids to make a wreath of our own to take home.  At the time, I think I found this more tiresome and boring and probably took making a wreath with Nancy for granted, but now I am thankful that I know how and refuse to purchase a wreath. 
As the years passed, my sisters and friends stopped participating as much but I still loved the wreath party and would rearrange my travel plans as life took me to different states just so I could be home for this special time.  There were many years I didn't make a wreath but that was fine because I was happy just spending time with the other volunteers and talking to participants.
The party has changed in the last few years...
...the red t-shirts aren't so red anymore and are getting vintage...
...not as many people are interesting in making a wreath when they can buy one (we used to fill three rooms with participants and have four sessions, we are down to one now)
...Nancy, who ran the wreath party, has passed and we miss her terribly...
 ...but the spirit of the holiday season and Nancy's presence is still very much alive as we sip our cranberry tea, eat delicious cookies, listen to holiday tunes and make beautiful, handmade wreaths. 
I haven't had time to make a wreath these last two years, so last night I made one for the back door of our apartment.  It was the first time I had made a wreath since Nancy died.  The first time I had made a wreath without help from all the wreath "pros."  And the first time I made one the hard way.  It's not the best looking wreath but I made it myself.
I know some of the other kids, who are all now adults, have made wreaths for their own homes and I hope Nancy is smiling down us and is proud that we are all carrying on her wonderful tradition.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yummy Christmas Crack!!

Since I have my own kitchen, I can cook and bake on my own terms with out Martha Stewart (Beth) and Julia Child (Meg) looking over my shoulder.  When I was little my mom made this great cookie with crackers, brown sugar, butter and chocolate.  For some reason she didn't like to make it and has told me in recent years to make it myself.  Well, I did!  I found it on Pinterest and they were calling it Christmas Crack! Love it!  It is super addicting!  Dennis and I are actually going to make cookies to give to people this year!  Bring on the holidays!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

60 Years of Memories

Yesterday my mom turned 60!!!

Meg and I found this wonderful idea on Pinterest for a 60th birthday present.  We collected 60 memories from family and friends throughout the last month.  Then we placed them all in envelopes chronologically, decorated the envelopes and tied them up.

She had herself so worked up all week thinking that she was getting a surprise party that she didn't want.  She couldn't understand why she had gotten cards from people that she normally didn't and why the people that normally did hadn't.  She thought that we were all up to something.

Beth loved her gift tho!  She cried and laughed her way through all 60+ envelopes!  She was so happy that it was not a party!  Thank you to everyone that made her special birthday so fabulous!

A Grand Slam Evening of Tennis

Last Tuesday, I experienced something that I never thought possible.  I was within feet of a handful of my favorite people as a young teenager and even today.  My boyfriend scored some tickets to the Milan Smash Hits Tennis Classic hosted by Billie Jean King and Elton John.
To some this might not seem that amazing but to tennis lovers like myself, this was a dream come true.  Not only was I in the presence of the great Billie Jean King (sadly she didn't play) and music legend Elton John (he played and it was hilarious) but Andre Agassi, Andy Roddick and Martina Navratilova.  It was amazing!
And to top it off my all time favorite tennis player, Steffi Graf was there!  In sixth grade, we had to do a biographical book report, dress up as our person and present to the class.  I chose Steffi Graf.  She is one of the reasons I think I really started to love tennis.  It was awesome to actually see her play.
Oh and Franco Harris was there too!
It was a fundraiser for AIDs.  Pittsburgh was a grand slam for breaking records with money raised.  The evening raised more than a million dollars for the AIDs foundation.
Our seats were right next to the entrance, so at the end all of the players all came through and gave autographs.  Andre and Steffi rushed through but I was able to manage an autograph from Martina, three of the other younger players, Franco and the guy that played Michael Ohr in the Blind Side.
I'm so excited that I had this opportunity!  Shout out to my awesome boyfriend for taking me!  It was a once in a lifetime experience!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Teen Art

As many of you may already know, the library will be relocating to the new location at the beginning of December.  The teens and I have been anxiously waiting to begin decorating and occupying the new space.

Last weekend, the Teen Advisory Board chose colors (bright blue in the teen area, lime green in the tween area and purple accents).  Then we discussed how we would decorate area.  I have really been pushing for art that they designed rather than posters.  Surprisingly, they agreed!

We decide to make canvases with melted crayons and another with rolled magazine ads.
On Thursday night, other teens got to help with the decorating of the teen area.  We made alcohol ink tiles (another great Pinterest find).

The tiles were surprisingly simple.  All you need is non-porous tiles (only 16 cents at Home Depot), alcohol blending solution (Joann's) and alcohol ink (expensive and I was only able to find it online at Joann's).  You may also use Q-tips or straws for blending.

Each tile turns out completely different.  The teens made one to keep and one to donate to the library for teen room decorations.  They all did a great job and I can't wait to hang them in the new space.  We had 16 teens total and each will now have a special space in the young adult area.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Save Second Base

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Everyone knows that, so what are you going to do.  Unfortunately, I am unable to make the commitment to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this year.  However, I still plan to make some effort in the quest to end breast cancer.
Today I heard some negativity surrounding Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which startled me and almost had me on my soapbox preaching for the need for continued research.  Perhaps these people have not ever known anyone affected by the devastating disease.  Surprising if so.
* One in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer.  That number is getting better but that is still alarming.
* The incidence rates for breast cancer has decrease two percent in women over 50.  Let's continue research to increase this decrease further and work harder for younger women.
* Five percent of breast cancer diagnoses happen to women younger than 40.

It is still necessary.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  I am going to proudly support my pink this month and always.  Think of the women (and men) in your life.  Do something so that you or your mothers, sisters, best friends or aunts do not become a statistic.

All of my breast cancer efforts are in honor of my wonderful grandmother, who did not die from the disease, but was a two-time survivor!  She is an inspiration to me and I will continue to fight so that those in my family do not.

Hope Always.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall is Here!

Each year I start to appreciate fall more and more.  The colors of the leaves are so beautiful.  The smells of apple pie and cinnamon are delicious.
This weekend I had to break out the boots and sweaters.  I guess I will have to officially say goodbye to my flip flops eventually.
I love warm, fall days tho outside and cozy, fall evenings around the fire.  Thanks to Pinterest there are great fall bucket lists.  I hope to complete some of these and truly enjoy the season this year.
Unfortunately, I haven't done any of these yet, so I better get started!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Here We Go, Here We Go, Here We Go Again!

After my failed attempts at registering and even volunteering at the Grace Race, I am excited to report that I am officially signed up for my second half-marathon.  Registration opened on Monday and by the end of the day I was registered.  The feelings of anticipation and excitement have started.  I'm just going to continue with my current running/workout plan for the time being but come January I will right back at it with the training.  Here's to another year on the streets of Pittsburgh...
2013 Goals - Complete the Race and Achieve a Better Time

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

For the New Mom

A few posts ago I wrote about all of the gifts I have been working on the last few weeks.  I love gift giving but I don't think my bank account loves it very much.  <Sigh.>
My first project was for my best friend, Kay, who is expecting her first baby!  Due date was yesterday but Jovie hasn't arrive yet.  Auntie Carrie here is pretty excited and has already spoiled the little princess.
Well, you may have noticed that when someone has a baby all the gifts are for the little one, not necessarily the mom or dad.  So, I found on Pinterest a hospital survival kit (pictured above).
If I had more money, I would have bought her a pedicure or even a massage but I'm a poor librarian, so I stuck to the hospital gift basket.  There are a number of options on Pinterest for this.  I took a few items from all and then added my own as well.
First, I headed to Target to gather my supplies.  Then I arranged the items in a really cute bucket found in the dollar aisles at Target (which really wasn't a dollar but it was still a good deal).
Here are the pictures and a list of what I included in the basket.

 (Pens and notebook for writing down things to remember at the hospital.  These were so cute and I found them in the bargain aisle too!)

 (Some necessities that may be of use at the hospital...mouthwash, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, hair ties,Tic Tacs, chap stick, relaxing lotion and face wipes.)

 (Some items to beat the boredom and have a little fun while waiting...magazine, fun socks and nail polish.)

 (Some healthy and sweet treats!)

 (The bucket to hold it all.)

Stay tuned for a post about my boyfriend's birthday gift and another friend's wedding present.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Using My Time and Talents

As if it isn't enough that I spend 40+ hours of my week surrounded by books at work or that I am constantly rearranging my bookshelves at home, I have spent the last year using my time and talents to reorganize the church library.  It has been a long process that came to a culmination last night at the Bethlehem Fallies, a slideshow presentation and fall festival.
I was charged last summer with the task of reorganizing the library by the evangelism committee.  And to be honest, it was a much bigger task than I ever expected.  Realizing that I wouldn't be able to do this by myself, I quickly put together a committee of faithful volunteers to help me with the project. I all of them I great deal of gratitude for assisting with this project.
Our first step was to get rid of books!  My favorite part actually!!  Together we spent an afternoon last fall weeding the collection.  We were able to get rid of an entire trunk full of books.  Now, I'm sure you can imagine the condition of the majority of these church library books - old, vintage looking, yellowing covers, etc., which to a young librarian like myself means TRASHED!
Then my volunteers and I organized the books into categories and did away with the old Dewey Decimal System.  Really?  Who wants to use that in the church library?  Then we labeled the books.  I made shelf strips and some small displays.  I also pulled together a donation list, which brings us to our debut of rave reviews last night at the Bethlehem Fallies.
I am blessed that I had the opportunity to assist the church in this often forgotten ministry but still needed none the less.  The church library often provides resources not found in the public library, those niche to the church, religion and their beliefs.  In addition, it is the archive for a very fundamental institution in the community. 
So my gift to Bethlehem, a church that has been the pillar of my faith journey, an organized library using my time and talents.
And here my friends...the final pictures of what I have been doing the last year.

On a side note, I found some real gems while cleaning the library this weekend.  Pictures of my sisters and best friends over the years at camp, church picnics and other youth group activities.  Priceless.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tie-Dye Fun!!!

Last Thursday (I know I haven't posted for awhile because I was out of town), the tweens and I had a tie-dye explosion at the library.  I only had four register, which had me quite dismayed beforehand but to my surprise 14 attended!

The tweens tie-dyed pillow cases and made tie-dye cupcakes, which was definitely the best part.  I had seen pictures on Pinterest but didn't really know how to make them myself but with some experimentation the cupcakes turned out fabulous.

There would be more pictures but the tweens ate them way too fast!

Tie-dye cupcakes after coming out of the oven.

The tweens mixing the colors together.

Colored mix (made with food coloring) ready and waiting for the tweens.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Using My Books As Art

With all the buzz on Pinterest about using books as art, I've had the urge to reorganize my books and do something fun with them.

So, earlier this week I decided to rearrange my four bookshelves by color.  It took me approximately four days but I finished.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Before my books were organized by category, so all of my fiction was on one shelf, Christmas books together, presidential administrations in the same place and so on.  Now I'm struggling with the fact that my books are in no apparent order except for color coordination.  For a librarian, this is killing me not to have my books in a specific order.
Here are some before and after snapshots.  Let me know what you think.



Friday, September 14, 2012

RADical Days in Pittsburgh

So, today I'm going to give a little shout-out to the Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD).  Not many people know who they are or what they do but they are a fabulous organization that supports and finances regional assets, including libraries.  The organization also sponsors RADical Days, which many Pittsburgh residents probably have never heard of but should definitely take advantage of. 
Basically, RADical Days are approximately a month's worth of free admission to local Pittsburgh attractions, including the zoo, museums, stadiums, aviary,etc.  This year's schedule looks pretty awesome or for once I think I'm actually going to get to go to some of the events.  So, if you are like me and are too cheap to pay the admission to some of these places, get out and go for free in the next few weeks.  Trust me.  It will be worth it.
Here is this year's schedule of events:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's Like Christmas Morning...New Tennis Courts!!!

Two-three days a week I pass the tennis courts at the Shaler High School.  It kills me to watch others play on days that I know I'm too busy to pick up the racket and get a game in.  Normally and unfortunately, the courts are vacant since not enough people play tennis.

This summer, Shaler FINALLY got new tennis courts and I have been watching the entire process progress on my commutes.  It's about time!  And I must say, I have been aching to go and try the new courts now that the nets are up.

It's not often that a person gets to play on brand new courts.  Remember, tennis if often the sport that gets the last straw when budgets are tight or is overlooked because it is not as popular as baseball or soccer.  It's a great sport though that more people should try.

During my tennis career, I played on the terrible courts at Shaler, got some nicer ones at Mount Union but they didn't have the budget to get us nice uniforms and then had to play on the incredibly crappy North Park courts at La Roche because we didn't even have tennis courts there!!

Now, I'm waiting patiently (OK, not really) to hit the courts.  This is like a once in a life time opportunity.  New tennis courts!! Let me just say this is absolutely freaking awesome!!  OK, so I'm a little more excited than a normal person but hey its fabulous for a tennis player.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Recent Running Fears

Due to recent events both in the news and to people I know, I am hesitant to run alone or on busy roads.  Thank God I am not training for a race at the moment and am approaching the time of the year when I return to the gym for workouts rather than run/bike/blade along the nearby roads.
First, there was the incident in the South Side of Pittsburgh where an enraged motorist slashed a cyclist who may have accidentally cut him off.
Then, there was the reported incident in North Park (where I frequently run and bike) where a female teenage runner was apparently attacked.
And finally, my neighbor in the Lakeside trailerhood was hit by a car while running near her home in North Carolina and life-flighted to the nearest hospital.  We are still waiting to hear her condition.
I already try to follow the running rules of the road.  Don't run at twilight or after dark unless wearing reflectors.  Don't run alone at these times either.  Don't run in unsafe areas alone.  Don't listen to an iPod while running on the road.
Now, I think I'm more cautious and a little scared...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tis A Gift of Pinterest

I love giving presents, especially creative ones.  Thanks to Pinterest, I am not presented with a wealth of affordable and heartfelt gift ideas.  Before Pinterest I wasn't too bad either but now it's like a door has been opened to a whole new world of gifting possibilities.
Due to the fact that some of my readers are going to be recipients of these gifts in the coming weeks I can't release all of the details.  However, I will try to give at least a glimpse of my gifting projects.  After the birthdays, weddings and births happen, I hope to make a full post for each gift.
I'm pretty excited about each and everyone of these gifts and I think that each one will provide the recipient with something special and memorable, whether to celebrate an upcoming nuptial, new family member or milestone birthday.
The best idea I think I've found so far is what Meg and I will be making for my mom.  Hopefully, it will all work out and she will appreciate it, which I think she will.  Like I said, that will be a post in itself after her birthday in October.
Stay tuned...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fitness Pro? Not!

Last week, I switched gyms and me being the fitness nut that I am took advantage of the free fitness consultation offered for new members. 
After meeting with the trainer, I was surprised to hear that I was just barely of average fitness.  Say what?  I run three miles two or three times a week and circuit the other days.  I ran a half-marathon in May (granted I'm not a fast runner but I did it).
The test consisted of five sections: BMI, flexibility, cardio, strength and endurance.  As the trainer explained the steps, I thought to myself that this sounded relatively easy.  It was actually too but my results apparently weren't good enough.
First, I failed the BMI.  I'm overweight.  Lovely.  I actually knew that and wasn't surprised I failed that.  I hate BMI.  It doesn't take into account muscle mass, which I know I have a lot of and the trainer agreed because I had my muscle mass tested.  Strike 1.
Second, to my surprise I got the highest level possible on flexibility.  This was the one section I thought I would fail instantly.  The test was reminiscent of elementary school V-sit and reach, which I was terrible at.  I've improved.  I stretched 23 inches.  Props for that one I suppose.
Third, I completed the cardio, which was a piece of cake.  Walk at a three percent incline at 4.5 miles per hour for five minutes.  Nothing.  Luck was still on my side because I passed that section too.  It was probably all my walk and run training.
Fourth, I had my strength tested.  I lift weights fairly often and never really thought that I could fail this but I did.  Apparently you are supposed to be able to lift 80-85 percent of your body weight.  I probably could do that in my lower body but my upper body only managed to chest press a measily 85 pounds.  Strike two.
Finally, the last part was endurance.  Stupid me thought I had this one in the bag too.  I ran a half-marathon.  That takes endurance.  Wrong again.  You had to do as many sit-ups as possible in a minute. I'm a cruch girl.  I hate sit-ups...always have, always will.  I failed miserably at 24.
With that being said I walked out of the gym on Friday a bit speechless but motivated to improve my poor fitness level.  I'm not discouraged though.  I feel healthy and my doctor says I'm healthy, so isn't that what really matters.  I'll never be a size two.  I realize that.  Yes, I'd like to lose a few pounds but in my case I think losing a few inches may be more realistic.  It's probably the first time in my life that I can honestly say I'm happy with my body, so I'll take it and continue what I'm doing.
Not everyone is an athlete.  Not everyone is a model.  I'm an average girl and I'll just strive to improve my average fitness.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Grandparents Day!

If I could offer one piece of advice today on Grandparents Day, tell your grandparents you love them.  Hug them.  Call them.  Spend time with them even if its going to their house for lunch.  Trust me they'll appreciate it and you'll be happy you did because when they are gone it leaves an awful hole in your heart.  Nothing can replace the love of a grandparent.  So, if you are lucky enough to still have your grandparents, treasure them.

I was blessed to have three amazing grandparents and I'd like to think that the fourth, my paternal grandfather, would have also held a special place in my heart if he would have lived to meet his grandchildren.  And as the first granddaughter on both sides, I also held a special place in their hearts.

I had such wonderful relationships with my grandparents.

My grandpa taught me how to fish.  He taught me how to play tennis.  He paid for me to learn to sail.  Together we made a dollhouse and he refinished the most beautiful dollhouse for my sisters and I.  I thought I would dance with him at my wedding.

My Grandma Grace loved her grandchildren unconditionally.  She called us her CHARMS (our initials spelled it).  She called me Serenity.  I loved discussing books with her and she would have been so proud that I had become a librarian.  Sadly, she didn't live to see me graduate from college.

My Grandma Kay could have been my best friend if we had grown up in the same era.  She wrote me every week when I didn't live here.  We loved talking about our favorite shows, Gilmore Girls and Sex and the City.  We went for Chinese all the time.  Her unexpected death felt like I lost all three at the same time.

Like I said, if you still have your grandparents - tell them you love them as much as you can.  I didn't do it enough.  I didn't hug them enough.  And now I miss them still to this day more than anything in the world.

I wish my grandpa and Grandma Grace would have seen me receive my Master's.  I wish all three could have met my boyfriend.  There is so much I want to tell them and never will.  So, please treasure your grandparents, they are a true gift from God.

"And He will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His Hand."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The early bird does catch the worm.

Way back in May at the Pittsburgh Marathon Expo, I visited to the Great Race booth to get information.  I decided to wait to see who I would be running with so that I could do the 2 for deal.
Then in July I got my reminder email and after determining that I would most likely be running by myself I decided to wait.  That was the cheapskate in me talking.  Wait until after vacation to register I thought.
So, at the beginning of the week I excitedly went on the Great Race to website to register only to find out that registration had been capped.  Capped at 15,000!!  A month before the race!!  And I lost my opportunity to run my second 10K.  I was very disappointed.
Thinking that my training was a waste, I moped for a day or two before I realized later in that week that I had received in email on Monday or Tuesday from the Pittsburgh Marathon seeking volunteers for upcoming races.  The Great Race was one of them and all volunteers received a free registration for the Half-Marathon.
Perfect, I thought.  I will register to volunteer and then I can run for free.  I was excited again and thought that I could now continue training and focus more on the half rather than the 10K.  Well, luck isn't my friend this week.  The only race that still needed volunteers was Toronto Marathon.  No running the Great Race.  No volunteering at the Great Race.  I learned my lesson.
The early bird does catch the worm.
It's OK though.  I am going to keep running.  I am definitely doing the half and I am registering the day registration opens.  I'm not missing out again.  I guess that's how I know that I'm still new at this whole runner thing.  I didn't realize how quickly an event fills up especially a month out.  Next year I won't make the same mistake.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Turning off the tube...

Hi! My name is Carrie and I'm a recovering TV junkie.

We all know I very rarely watch TV - every now and then I catch an episode of Parenthood or a rerun of the Golden Girls.  However, I would much rather read a book, watch a movie or socialize with my family and friends.

So, that's why I am shocked at the amount of TV I have watched in the last five weeks.  It's more TV than I've probably watched in the last 10 years combined!

First, there was the Olympics and I swear I didn't leave the couch for two weeks.  My boyfriend, cousins and I went to a bar and I had to watch it there.  I couldn't relax and socialize until I made sure that Michael Phelps was on a nearby TV.  It did motivate me even more though to run faster, swim harder and slam that tennis ball with more power.

Thought I would leave my comfortable spot on the couch by mid August - wrong - hello Shark Week!  I couldn't miss watching people getting limbs ripped off in a live version of Jaws.  I was busy this week so I didn't spend as much time watching the waters of nearby oceans get bloody.  Too bad...

Then I did take a little bit of a respite to vacation at Lakeside where I watched absolutely no television but kept my head buried deep in book.

I came home from the lake to more TV.  As if the Olympics and Shark Week weren't distractions enough, the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention are an even bigger interruption in my life.  If I was at home, I was watching the convention - glued to PBS, especially intent on hearing Ann Romney, Dr. Jill Biden and Michelle Obama.  I'm disappointed that I missed Jimmy Carter but I can't completely adjust my life for TV.  I'm bipartisan and a political junkie who absolutely loves the speeches and glimpses of famous politicians.

And now tonight...Stand Up 2 Cancer.  I try to watch it every year. I've donated a few years.  It's a fabulous and inspiring event.  We all know someone that has been affected by cancer.  Watch it if you never have.

Starting tomorrow though, the TV is going to remain off probably until ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas.  I've had enough.  I'm ready to get back to my books.  I'm ready to watch some episodes of Downton Abbey.  I'm ready to reconnect with my friends and family.

And so folks, I'm turning off the tube.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Day of School

Every year around this time I always get sad that I'm not going back to school.  I miss the excitement of going school shopping and buying new highlighters, pens, Post-It notes, etc.  I honestly can't say I had these same emotions when I was in school but there is just something about fall that makes me want to go buy school supplies.  That's one thing I definitely don't need to buy though because when I was in grad school, I went overboard with pens and Post-Its and notecards and now I'm still using all of it at work.  So, for all of you going back to school, enjoy it and those of us that aren't, make a freshly sharpened bouquet of pencils as in You've Got Mail.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Well, it's been more than a month since my last post!  The end of summer was much more busy than I had expected I suppose and now its hard to believe that my favorite time of year next to Christmas is over.  

I'm sad at the realization that I can no longer go barefoot, read on the porch long into the evening or wake up as easily since it will be getting darker in the morning.  This summer was busy so I'm looking forward to a calmer and more relaxing fall.

2012 was different from other summers.  I didn't go on any vacations.  I didn't get to Lakeside as much.  I didn't play tennis. I didn't lay in the hammock.  I didn't have any fires. I didn't relax enough.  It's OK though.

What did I do?  I worked - a lot.  I will admit that it was another great summer of teen programs but looking back I think I was too invested in the library.

Don't get me wrong.  There were a lot of bright spots.  I did enjoy more pool time at Kiwanis and North Park.  I did spend a lot of time with my wonderful boyfriend.  I did read more.  I did enjoy my friends and family at my Fourth of July party.  I did reenact pedicures with my fabulous best friend.

I guess that's what getting older is all about.  Summers are not as carefree as our youth.  I had a wonderful summer though and I enter fall with no regrets.  

I'm excited for fall.  My best friend is having a baby.  Another dear friend is getting married.  I'm running my second 10K.  And of course I will remain busy with board meetings, committee meetings, projects and programs as well.

I'm looking forward to wearing warm, cozy sweaters; drinking hot apple cider; enjoying delicious, crisp apples; the wonderful sound of colorful leaves crunching under my feet; exploring haunted houses and enjoying all the other pleasures of fall.

So, goodbye summer.  You were wonderful but welcome fall.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let the games begin!

I absolutely love the Olympics, especially summer!  So you can imagine that I am in my glory right now watching the Opening Ceremony, which is amazing!  My favorite parts so far were the singing of "Jerusalem," the Queen's entrance and the touching performance of the British national anthem.  I am inspired by the hard work and dedication of all of the athletes and am looking forward to cheering Team USA on throughout the next few weeks!

As a child, I was convinced that I would make it to the Olympic games in my lifetime to not watch...but get this...compete.  Yes, I had big dreams because I am no athlete.  First, I thought I could be an Olympic swimmer.  Allergies killed that dream.  Then I thought I could be an Olympic diver.  Too many belly and back flops killed that dream, as well as the allergies again.  So, maybe the pool wasn't my playing field but the court.  After that I thought was the next Stefi Graf.  Yeah, no.  I spent too much time throwing my racket and stomping off the court if I lost.  Not proper tennis etiquette.  Finally, I thought Annie and I were destined to be sailing superstars.  Again, I killed that team dream after we spent five hours on a sailboat with no wind during our second race together.  I spent the morning singing show tunes.  She spent it getting a headache and wishing it was a closer swim to shore.  We never sailed again.  I know.  I was a big dreamer as a child.

I'm a little intrigued by this race walking idea though.  Do I still have a chance at an Olympic dream?  Ha ha!  Just kidding...

I'm going to stick to being a spectator!  Rio de Janeiro sounds fabulous, maybe I could witness it live.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Merry Christmas in July!

I love any excuse to celebrate Christmas.  I could watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas songs all year round.  And there was a time when I ate candy canes all year but I have sadly given up that habit to save my teeth (knock on wood, I'm still rocking no cavities at the ripe old age of 25).

So Christmas in July is a great mid-year celebration to remind me how much I love that holiday...

It might come as a surprise but my favorite Christmas in July celebrations are not the drunken festivities at Put-In-Bay or the impromptu Christmas celebrations the teens and I have thrown at the library but the summer we celebrated at Lakeside by staging the nativity.

It was probably 80 to 90 degrees and the children and youth of Lakeside were in full Christmas story regalia.  Annie, Meg and I were shepherds with beads of sweat dripping down our faces.  The weather must have been similar to that in Bethlehem on the first Christmas.

We walked through the streets of Lakeside and then held a live pageant in front of Hoover Auditorium.  It was a much different and more memorable experience than the routine children's pageants at church each year.  This was summer.  This was Lakeside.  This was special.

I think one of my favorite memories of my Grandma Grace comes from this Christmas in July as well.  Later on, my mom framed a picture of Meg from that day.  We all know how tan Meg gets.  Well, here is a very dark six- or seven- year old Meg in a shepherds outfit, headdress and all.  My Grandma took one look at the photo and loudly announced, "Look, it's Meg bin Laden."

If you look closely though, you can see Meg's blond wisps of hair peaking out from the sheet and her nose is covered in freckles.  She looks all American.  Ha ha!

In the future though, I'm going to make it a priority to celebrate Christmas in July.  Perhaps an Elfmas Party or Christmas movie marathon...  Whose with me?  Let's spread that Christmas cheer, singing loud for all to hear.

Merry Christmas in July!

(Pictures not from Christmas in July but they fit the bill.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kennywood Don'ts (or anytime for that matter)

Yesterday, Dennis and I went to Kennywood.  Perfect people watching!  It ranks up there with the mall, the swimming pool and of course the library.  Here are a few of my observations from my day at the amusement park.  I'm sorry I don't have pictures to illustrate my points.

Sorry if I offend anyone. 

Don't practice business in the front and party in the back.
Mullets are not cool.  Decide whether you want to do business or party but not both.

Don't keep all of your belongings in that lovely leather fanny pack that makes your kids cringe.
Fanny packs are not in style.  What do you really have in there that won't work in a backpack, purse or other bag?  Why is in that fanny pack so jammed full?

Don't treat your child like an animal.
Decide whether you are going to raise your child like a the human being they are or a dog.  Release the lease children!

Don't let your butt show.
They aren't shorts if they don't cover your butt.  Those, my friend, are underwear, if they can even be considered that.

Don't unbutton your shirt too far.
Maybe in the eighties when you were thinner (I don't know since I was only a little kid) it was hot to wear your sports bra with jeans and your denim shirt buttoned down to your belly button.  It's really not that attractive though.

Again, don't let your butt show.
Decide if you are wearing a dress or a shirt.  Last time I checked, its a shirt if it doesn't cover your butt.
I could probably write a book.  Believe me, I'm no fashion expert.  I'm an observer.  Meg told me when I left the house in my tennis shoes, athletic shorts, tie-dye DIY halter (thanks Pinterest) and pony tail that she could not believe that's how I was dressing for Kennywood.  I think I can honestly say though that I don't break these don'ts and I was comfortable all day.  That's all that mattered to me.  Unlike her, I don't need to look like the latest American Eagle ad while I'm hot and sweaty in the amusement park.
That's just my two cents...

Monday, July 23, 2012

"May the odds be every in your favor."

Today, I challenged the teens with a Hunger Games scavenger hunt.  I had hid 24 "survival items" throughout the park.  These "survival items" were pictures of items that would be found in the cornucopia, such as a tarp, water or medicine.  On the back of these pictures I wrote a word.  So the first part of their quest was to find all of the pictures (only two teams) did and then unscramble the words found on the back of the pictures to form a quote from the movie.  A few of the teams struggled with this but two teams got the quote almost exactly right.  I won't make you do the scavenger hunt but let's see if you can unscramble the quote.


I, can, heart, in, of, do, nothing, and, imminent, you, embrace, probability, Abernathy, death, that, Haymitch, the, your, know, your, there's, save, to

The two teen girls that once received Hunger Games bookmarks and a tribute guide or movie guide.  You just get the satisfcation of knowing your Hunger Games trivia.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

ArT pArTy!!!

As a librarian, I often struggle to find programs that are appealing to all teen ages and interests and are not repeat programs.  This summer I realized that the teens are really into anything "party."  So basically all I needed to do was pick an idea and call it party.  With that being said, we are having a Glee Party, Glow Party, Zombie Party and on Thursday night, an Art Party.

It was really well-received and registration numbers were great; however, getting them to walk in the door is another story.

Either way the teens that did come had lots of fun.  I divided the room into different stations.  There was the nail polish blotter art (thank you Pinterest); rock painting (I had to bring a little Lakeside to the library); origami lucky stars; self portraits using water colors, duct tape and construction paper scraps; and a photo booth.

The teens were so creative and definitely used their imaginations to explore these artforms and create one-of-a-kind pieces of art.

Looking forward to this week's Glee Party!  All Gleeks welcome!