Wednesday, October 3, 2012

For the New Mom

A few posts ago I wrote about all of the gifts I have been working on the last few weeks.  I love gift giving but I don't think my bank account loves it very much.  <Sigh.>
My first project was for my best friend, Kay, who is expecting her first baby!  Due date was yesterday but Jovie hasn't arrive yet.  Auntie Carrie here is pretty excited and has already spoiled the little princess.
Well, you may have noticed that when someone has a baby all the gifts are for the little one, not necessarily the mom or dad.  So, I found on Pinterest a hospital survival kit (pictured above).
If I had more money, I would have bought her a pedicure or even a massage but I'm a poor librarian, so I stuck to the hospital gift basket.  There are a number of options on Pinterest for this.  I took a few items from all and then added my own as well.
First, I headed to Target to gather my supplies.  Then I arranged the items in a really cute bucket found in the dollar aisles at Target (which really wasn't a dollar but it was still a good deal).
Here are the pictures and a list of what I included in the basket.

 (Pens and notebook for writing down things to remember at the hospital.  These were so cute and I found them in the bargain aisle too!)

 (Some necessities that may be of use at the hospital...mouthwash, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, hair ties,Tic Tacs, chap stick, relaxing lotion and face wipes.)

 (Some items to beat the boredom and have a little fun while waiting...magazine, fun socks and nail polish.)

 (Some healthy and sweet treats!)

 (The bucket to hold it all.)

Stay tuned for a post about my boyfriend's birthday gift and another friend's wedding present.

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