Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kennywood Don'ts (or anytime for that matter)

Yesterday, Dennis and I went to Kennywood.  Perfect people watching!  It ranks up there with the mall, the swimming pool and of course the library.  Here are a few of my observations from my day at the amusement park.  I'm sorry I don't have pictures to illustrate my points.

Sorry if I offend anyone. 

Don't practice business in the front and party in the back.
Mullets are not cool.  Decide whether you want to do business or party but not both.

Don't keep all of your belongings in that lovely leather fanny pack that makes your kids cringe.
Fanny packs are not in style.  What do you really have in there that won't work in a backpack, purse or other bag?  Why is in that fanny pack so jammed full?

Don't treat your child like an animal.
Decide whether you are going to raise your child like a the human being they are or a dog.  Release the lease children!

Don't let your butt show.
They aren't shorts if they don't cover your butt.  Those, my friend, are underwear, if they can even be considered that.

Don't unbutton your shirt too far.
Maybe in the eighties when you were thinner (I don't know since I was only a little kid) it was hot to wear your sports bra with jeans and your denim shirt buttoned down to your belly button.  It's really not that attractive though.

Again, don't let your butt show.
Decide if you are wearing a dress or a shirt.  Last time I checked, its a shirt if it doesn't cover your butt.
I could probably write a book.  Believe me, I'm no fashion expert.  I'm an observer.  Meg told me when I left the house in my tennis shoes, athletic shorts, tie-dye DIY halter (thanks Pinterest) and pony tail that she could not believe that's how I was dressing for Kennywood.  I think I can honestly say though that I don't break these don'ts and I was comfortable all day.  That's all that mattered to me.  Unlike her, I don't need to look like the latest American Eagle ad while I'm hot and sweaty in the amusement park.
That's just my two cents...

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