Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Using My Books As Art

With all the buzz on Pinterest about using books as art, I've had the urge to reorganize my books and do something fun with them.

So, earlier this week I decided to rearrange my four bookshelves by color.  It took me approximately four days but I finished.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Before my books were organized by category, so all of my fiction was on one shelf, Christmas books together, presidential administrations in the same place and so on.  Now I'm struggling with the fact that my books are in no apparent order except for color coordination.  For a librarian, this is killing me not to have my books in a specific order.
Here are some before and after snapshots.  Let me know what you think.




  1. It looks better, but it would kill me because I could not find anything. I think that approach if for people who don't read.
