Last week, I switched gyms and me being the fitness nut that I am took advantage of the free fitness consultation offered for new members.
After meeting with the trainer, I was surprised to hear that I was just barely of average fitness. Say what? I run three miles two or three times a week and circuit the other days. I ran a half-marathon in May (granted I'm not a fast runner but I did it).
The test consisted of five sections: BMI, flexibility, cardio, strength and endurance. As the trainer explained the steps, I thought to myself that this sounded relatively easy. It was actually too but my results apparently weren't good enough.
First, I failed the BMI. I'm overweight. Lovely. I actually knew that and wasn't surprised I failed that. I hate BMI. It doesn't take into account muscle mass, which I know I have a lot of and the trainer agreed because I had my muscle mass tested. Strike 1.
Second, to my surprise I got the highest level possible on flexibility. This was the one section I thought I would fail instantly. The test was reminiscent of elementary school V-sit and reach, which I was terrible at. I've improved. I stretched 23 inches. Props for that one I suppose.
Third, I completed the cardio, which was a piece of cake. Walk at a three percent incline at 4.5 miles per hour for five minutes. Nothing. Luck was still on my side because I passed that section too. It was probably all my walk and run training.
Fourth, I had my strength tested. I lift weights fairly often and never really thought that I could fail this but I did. Apparently you are supposed to be able to lift 80-85 percent of your body weight. I probably could do that in my lower body but my upper body only managed to chest press a measily 85 pounds. Strike two.
Finally, the last part was endurance. Stupid me thought I had this one in the bag too. I ran a half-marathon. That takes endurance. Wrong again. You had to do as many sit-ups as possible in a minute. I'm a cruch girl. I hate sit-ups...always have, always will. I failed miserably at 24.
With that being said I walked out of the gym on Friday a bit speechless but motivated to improve my poor fitness level. I'm not discouraged though. I feel healthy and my doctor says I'm healthy, so isn't that what really matters. I'll never be a size two. I realize that. Yes, I'd like to lose a few pounds but in my case I think losing a few inches may be more realistic. It's probably the first time in my life that I can honestly say I'm happy with my body, so I'll take it and continue what I'm doing.
Not everyone is an athlete. Not everyone is a model. I'm an average girl and I'll just strive to improve my average fitness.
you could kick my butt in fitness any day lady!