Monday, August 18, 2014

10 Random Facts About Me (Updated 2014 Edition)

I wrote a similar post a little over a year ago but these are some of my favorite posts and are definitely worth revisiting. So here are 10 more random facts that you may or may not have known about me...

1.  I used old cards and letters as bookmarks.
 My grandma used to put greeting cards and letters she had received from friends and relatives in books. Then it was an instant bookmark when  you started that book. I love opening a book and finding a letter from my great aunt, best friend or grandma. After my grandparents died, I started doing this and almost every one of my books has one in it. When I was in college I borrowed a book from my grandparents and inside was a birthday card from me to my grandpa.

2. I worked as a gift wrapper during the holidays in Annapolis.  
 During the holiday season in Annapolis, I worked at a kiosk in the mall wrapping gifts. It was fabulous and such a great way to celebrate the holiday season.

3.  I eat like a five-year-old.  
I am so picky! I've gotten better. I only eat carrots if they are raw, etc. Unlike a five-year-old though, I eat sushi and I hate spaghetti and chocolate ice cream. Dennis is very picky too, so eating at our apartment is interesting.

4.  I love to read...A LOT!   
Reading is obviously my favorite. I've read 38 books already this year! I read three books at one time, sometimes four depending on the book club selection. I read one on my Nook, one real book and one on audio in the car. I'm obsessed. See what I'm reading here.

5.  I get carsick or let me rephrase that, I make myself carsick.
Because of the last item, I get car sick. I make myself sick in the car by trying to read. Sometimes that's not aways the case though and I really do get carsick.

6.  My goal is to visit every presidential library recognized by the National Archives and Records Administration.
So far I've been to the JFK Library, FDR Library and McKinley Library... I want to see the Bush, Carter and Ford Libraries really bad. Road trip!

7.  I've been working on my great American novel for almost 10 years.  
That and a children's book about America's first families...I need more time though.

8.  My worst fear is thunderstorms and failure.
No explaining needed.

9.  Five things on my bucket list include...
Visit all 50 states. Run the Disney marathon. See the ball drop in NYC on New Year's Eve. Travel to Tokyo. Write a book.

10. I recently started playing disc golf and geocaching.  
I'm not very good at either but its so much fun!!

Let's start a trend. What are 10 random things about you? It will be like those old quizzes on AIM and the old Facebook.

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