Monday, October 24, 2011

Smiles, Giggles and Loud Laughter

They say laughter is the best medicine and I believe it. There is nothing better than a good laugh every now and then. Laughing so hard you cry or your stomach hurts is even better.

So, what makes you smile, giggle or laugh out loud? Here are my thoughts, let me know yours.

And remember, a little laughter will make the world a better place.

Things that make me smile:
  • Seeing the first sign for Lakeside-Marblehead on Route 2
  • Old pictures of fabulous times with family and friends
  • Memories of my grandparents
  • Christmas morning
  • The things I hear the teens say at the library

Things that make me giggle:

  • My dad when he starts one of his never-ending holiday prayers
  • My mom when she calls my sister by the cat's name or vice-verso
  • Watching people back a trailer in at the campground
  • Watching people run (although, I have no room to talk because I apparently run like a duck)
  • Short-sheeting my sister's bed and leaving Bibles around her room

Things that make me laugh:

  • Playing games with my summer sisters and family, especially the Game of Things
  • Random conversations on the walkie at GAP
  • Watching our old dance tapes with my sisters
  • Playing the name game at Lakeside
  • Ghosting at Lakeside

Now, its your turn...try it! It might actually make you sMiLe!

P.S. A little something extra to make you laugh today...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tic-Toc Memories

Today I had a delicious cream cheese and olive sandwich. Yes, that might seem an odd combination for someone who refuses most normal meals, like spaghetti. I love it though and it always conjures up fond memories of the Tic-Toc at Kaufmann's in downtown Pittsburgh.

I had many a cream cheese and olive sandwich at the Tic-Toc during the holidays before the restaurant closed, much to my dismay. For me, it was like having your grandmother make your favorite sandwich because these women were as old as my grandmothers! The waitresses had names right out of the Golden Girls - Dorothy and Rose - and they proudly wore name tags bearing not only their names but the years they had worked there - 15, 20, 25, 30, 35!!! Yikes!!

Ahh memories...I wish I could go downtown this weekend and order a cream cheese and olive sandwich with a homemade soda. I guess I'll have to settle for the homemade version.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trip to Japan? Yes, please!

Apparently Japanese tourism has declined in the last few months. OK, well a major earthquake/tsunami followed by nuclear disaster probably didn't help tourism. The Japanese Tourism Board is planning to offer flights to foreigners to promote international travel to the country again.

My days in Japanese class at Shaler with Shimizu sensei prompted a lifelong interest in the rich culture and beautiful language of this country. Since 7th grade it has been my goal to travel there one day and explore all of the places that I've only read about. I want to climb Mt. Fuji, ride the shinkansen (bullet train) and eat authentic Japanese sushi and lots of poki!!

Now all I have to do is become a "highly influential blogger." Ha ha!