Monday, October 10, 2016

Fourth Quarter Goals...Say What?

It's funny how your goals change after having a baby. I've always been a planner with extensive goals and resolutions each January. Now I have to plan even more but honestly I couldn't even tell you what my goals and resolutions were for this year and whether or not I've made any progress. My planning is more to make sure that we get out of the house and everything is scheduled regarding cars, childcare, meetings, etc.

Now I take life one day at a time and I'm happy when I lay down to sleep if...

...the bottles are clean or I have at least one clean round.
...Carter's room is clean and the diapers are out to the trash.
...the diaper bag is ready to go for the next day.
...the living room and kitchen are decent if guests would stop (I've learned to clean as I go or while I'm doing other stuff in the room).
...I have a game plan for the next day.

That's it. Pretty simple. We have ourselves in a routine now, so that helps and we are still learning but I'm no longer as focused on whatever those goals were at the beginning of the year. There's too much else to think about and actually I think I'm more relaxed this way. I enjoy every moment and treasure every smile, laugh and even cry from Carter rather than worrying about what I'm not doing.
(Photo from Pinterest.)

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