Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Notebook Love

I love, love, love notebooks! Just on my desk alone I have five notebooks. Granted two are blank and are just waiting to be used. Thanks to Pinterest I've discovered mind mapping too, which is a fabulous use for notebooks and helps to get all the thoughts in my head onto paper. So, what you might ask do I use my notebooks for? Well, here is my Tuesday Ten of some notebook ideas and since I've been so awful at posting lately today is a double post with a Tuesday Ten of the best notebooks (hint, hint for Christmas gifts!).

Notebook Uses

1. Budget
I used to have an entire notebook for my budget but I have moved this to Google Docs. I still have budget notes in my notebook though.

2. Party Planning
Of course I have lots of notes for upcoming parties and you can bet that having a baby isn't going to stop us from hosting our annual events!

3. Date Nights
We don't really get date nights that often. We didn't really before Carter was born and we really don't know but we at least try to plan a few and get one in a month.

4. 2017 Vacation Plans
This is my favorite! I love planning vacations and now with Carter we are trying to make more of an effort to actually take time off and go on family vacations. Definitely hitting up DC next year since its been too long and of course Key Largo since we now have a reason to visit all the time!

5. Gift Ideas
Another favorite! I love buying gifts for people and especially now that its almost Christmas!! Yeah!!

6. Movies to Watch
Who am I kidding? I never watch movies anymore. I'm lucky if I get to watch the latest episode of This is Us or Blue Bloods. My TV watching consists of Today Show if we Carter wakes up at 7 a.m. and I have time before work, lots of football and occasionally a show on demand during a weekend day feeding.

7. Doodles
Sometimes you just need to draw and not think about anything else. My main notebook has random drawings in it as well.

8. Reading Lists
I have a list of books that I want to read this fall. I haven't been reading that much lately but I realized I can listen to books in the car again on my way to work and while I walk to get more reading in. I also have lists of books I want to read.

9. Writing
I have a whole notebook dedicated to my novel ideas. Last year, I tried to do NaNoRiMo but I was too busy. I definitely won't have time this year.

10. Price Comparisons 
I have a whole notebook for this but I hardly ever use it anymore because I'm lazy and do all of my shopping at Target.

I have a lot more in my notebook but this is just a few of the items and this isn't even including my work notebooks.

So, does that make you want to go out and buy notebooks? I do and I already have all of these lists or use notebooks for these items.

Best Stores to Buy Notebooks

1. Target 
Surprisingly, Target has a really great selection of notebooks and lots of different sizes in case you want smaller ones to put in a purse.

2. Marshall's/TJ Maxx
It's hit or miss but when they actually have notebooks in stock they are normally awesome.

3. Plum Paper
This is where my planner is from and maybe someday I'll start buying notebooks there.

4. Lilly Pulitzer
My planner last year was Lilly and I loved it. They have great notebooks as well.
* After I wrote this, I actually went back to look and they no longer have the notebooks. :(

5. WalMart
I don't really shop here at all anymore but when I lived in Ohio I did and the selection of notebooks isn't awful.

Notebooks I Want or You Should Buy :)

These are awesome and maybe someday I'll switch from Plum Paper to Erin Condren.

How cute are these simple notebook/journals from my favorite Plum Paper?

I'm not a big fan of Vera and these prints really aren't my style but these are nice notebooks.

Ahh I'm in love with these Kate Spade notebooks and journals! Sometimes they have these at TJ Maxx and Marshall's.

Ditto to above!

So, what are you waiting for?! Get out there and get a notebook! Start making lists, mind mapping or doodling! I guarantee you'll like at least something!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Fourth Quarter Goals...Say What?

It's funny how your goals change after having a baby. I've always been a planner with extensive goals and resolutions each January. Now I have to plan even more but honestly I couldn't even tell you what my goals and resolutions were for this year and whether or not I've made any progress. My planning is more to make sure that we get out of the house and everything is scheduled regarding cars, childcare, meetings, etc.

Now I take life one day at a time and I'm happy when I lay down to sleep if...

...the bottles are clean or I have at least one clean round.
...Carter's room is clean and the diapers are out to the trash.
...the diaper bag is ready to go for the next day.
...the living room and kitchen are decent if guests would stop (I've learned to clean as I go or while I'm doing other stuff in the room).
...I have a game plan for the next day.

That's it. Pretty simple. We have ourselves in a routine now, so that helps and we are still learning but I'm no longer as focused on whatever those goals were at the beginning of the year. There's too much else to think about and actually I think I'm more relaxed this way. I enjoy every moment and treasure every smile, laugh and even cry from Carter rather than worrying about what I'm not doing.
(Photo from Pinterest.)

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fall Favorites

It only takes me a few weeks to say goodbye to summer and embrace fall with open arms. Here are a few of my fall favorites for a warm and cozy season.

College Football on TV

Chunky Sweaters from Gap or J. Crew

Juicy Apples from Soergel's or Kalin's

Walks in Highland Park

Riding Boots

Happy Fall, y'll!