Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Book Review: Julie and Julia

Reading hasn't really been on the top of my list lately. I was trying while Carter napped but that didn't go so well because I was tired and falling asleep. Then I remembered how much I enjoyed listening to books when I worked at Western Allegheny and North Versailles. Granted those were longer drives, however now I'm going to more meetings and am probably in the car just as much. The first book I listened to was Julie and Julia. Right now I'm listening to Modern Lovers and The Boston Girl. A different car every day (the joys of a car seat) means two different books!

I chose Julie and Julia because Julia Child fascinates me and I loved the movie; however, I'm not normally one that watches the movie and then reads the book but it just worked out that way this time. I have to admit. I wasn't that impressed and I liked the movie more.

As I said, Julia Child fascinates me. This book focuses very little actually on her except for the cookbook. The movie did such a great job of blending the two character's lives, which makes me think that the movie was actually based on not only this book but one of Julia Child's biographies, like Dearie for example. I'd say that was my favorite part about the movie was the Julia Child sections and not just because the great Meryl Streep played her but because she is so interesting.

Julie in the book was even more annoying to read about then she was to watch. I'm surprised I kept listening. She drove me nuts at first and they definitely added more to the movie because you could never make a book from just this memoir.

It's such an interesting concept though and I give her so much credit because it's people like her that I envy with her blogging ability. I think it was because of that movie that I originally started a blog. She has so much dedication. The idea of blogging about one thing intrigued me as well. She definitely inspired me to cook. I'm an awful cook but hey if Julia Child could learn to cook at 40, I can learn to cook at 25. Don't you think?

So this book has prompted me to want to cook more and now I'm making an effort to actually make something when Dennis and I are both home, which is rare so it's not too often and a good start. And I decided to get my cookbooks out (very few) and use them instead of Pinterest and getting food all over my phone or tablet.

I guess it wasn't a terrible book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who watched the movie. It might have even been better to see the movie first but I'm not sorry I listened to it. Go the library and check it out or borrow the book from me (I have the print edition) and get inspired to blog, cook or read better books. Ha ha!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Notebook Love

I love, love, love notebooks! Just on my desk alone I have five notebooks. Granted two are blank and are just waiting to be used. Thanks to Pinterest I've discovered mind mapping too, which is a fabulous use for notebooks and helps to get all the thoughts in my head onto paper. So, what you might ask do I use my notebooks for? Well, here is my Tuesday Ten of some notebook ideas and since I've been so awful at posting lately today is a double post with a Tuesday Ten of the best notebooks (hint, hint for Christmas gifts!).

Notebook Uses

1. Budget
I used to have an entire notebook for my budget but I have moved this to Google Docs. I still have budget notes in my notebook though.

2. Party Planning
Of course I have lots of notes for upcoming parties and you can bet that having a baby isn't going to stop us from hosting our annual events!

3. Date Nights
We don't really get date nights that often. We didn't really before Carter was born and we really don't know but we at least try to plan a few and get one in a month.

4. 2017 Vacation Plans
This is my favorite! I love planning vacations and now with Carter we are trying to make more of an effort to actually take time off and go on family vacations. Definitely hitting up DC next year since its been too long and of course Key Largo since we now have a reason to visit all the time!

5. Gift Ideas
Another favorite! I love buying gifts for people and especially now that its almost Christmas!! Yeah!!

6. Movies to Watch
Who am I kidding? I never watch movies anymore. I'm lucky if I get to watch the latest episode of This is Us or Blue Bloods. My TV watching consists of Today Show if we Carter wakes up at 7 a.m. and I have time before work, lots of football and occasionally a show on demand during a weekend day feeding.

7. Doodles
Sometimes you just need to draw and not think about anything else. My main notebook has random drawings in it as well.

8. Reading Lists
I have a list of books that I want to read this fall. I haven't been reading that much lately but I realized I can listen to books in the car again on my way to work and while I walk to get more reading in. I also have lists of books I want to read.

9. Writing
I have a whole notebook dedicated to my novel ideas. Last year, I tried to do NaNoRiMo but I was too busy. I definitely won't have time this year.

10. Price Comparisons 
I have a whole notebook for this but I hardly ever use it anymore because I'm lazy and do all of my shopping at Target.

I have a lot more in my notebook but this is just a few of the items and this isn't even including my work notebooks.

So, does that make you want to go out and buy notebooks? I do and I already have all of these lists or use notebooks for these items.

Best Stores to Buy Notebooks

1. Target 
Surprisingly, Target has a really great selection of notebooks and lots of different sizes in case you want smaller ones to put in a purse.

2. Marshall's/TJ Maxx
It's hit or miss but when they actually have notebooks in stock they are normally awesome.

3. Plum Paper
This is where my planner is from and maybe someday I'll start buying notebooks there.

4. Lilly Pulitzer
My planner last year was Lilly and I loved it. They have great notebooks as well.
* After I wrote this, I actually went back to look and they no longer have the notebooks. :(

5. WalMart
I don't really shop here at all anymore but when I lived in Ohio I did and the selection of notebooks isn't awful.

Notebooks I Want or You Should Buy :)

These are awesome and maybe someday I'll switch from Plum Paper to Erin Condren.

How cute are these simple notebook/journals from my favorite Plum Paper?

I'm not a big fan of Vera and these prints really aren't my style but these are nice notebooks.

Ahh I'm in love with these Kate Spade notebooks and journals! Sometimes they have these at TJ Maxx and Marshall's.

Ditto to above!

So, what are you waiting for?! Get out there and get a notebook! Start making lists, mind mapping or doodling! I guarantee you'll like at least something!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Fourth Quarter Goals...Say What?

It's funny how your goals change after having a baby. I've always been a planner with extensive goals and resolutions each January. Now I have to plan even more but honestly I couldn't even tell you what my goals and resolutions were for this year and whether or not I've made any progress. My planning is more to make sure that we get out of the house and everything is scheduled regarding cars, childcare, meetings, etc.

Now I take life one day at a time and I'm happy when I lay down to sleep if...

...the bottles are clean or I have at least one clean round.
...Carter's room is clean and the diapers are out to the trash.
...the diaper bag is ready to go for the next day.
...the living room and kitchen are decent if guests would stop (I've learned to clean as I go or while I'm doing other stuff in the room).
...I have a game plan for the next day.

That's it. Pretty simple. We have ourselves in a routine now, so that helps and we are still learning but I'm no longer as focused on whatever those goals were at the beginning of the year. There's too much else to think about and actually I think I'm more relaxed this way. I enjoy every moment and treasure every smile, laugh and even cry from Carter rather than worrying about what I'm not doing.
(Photo from Pinterest.)

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fall Favorites

It only takes me a few weeks to say goodbye to summer and embrace fall with open arms. Here are a few of my fall favorites for a warm and cozy season.

College Football on TV

Chunky Sweaters from Gap or J. Crew

Juicy Apples from Soergel's or Kalin's

Walks in Highland Park

Riding Boots

Happy Fall, y'll!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Minute: Free Adventures in Pittsburgh

Many of you already know that I am a cheapskate. It drives Dennis insane. Spending no money is my goal but of course that doesn't happen. Today's Monday Minute focuses on free adventures in Pittsburgh. These are just a few recommendations since this after all supposed to be a quick post and now I will need to start looking for more family-friendly adventures. Here are my top five and don't forget RADical Days are coming up and provides LOTS of free opportunities to explore museums, zoos and other Pittsburgh organizations.

1. Walk the riverfront trail or explore any of the parks for that matter.
2. Play disc golf at Schenley Park.
3. Spend a Saturday morning in the Strip District.
4. Attend a movie in the park during the summer or a concert at county parks.
5. Attend the free symphony concert during the arts festival.

And that's my Monday minute!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Guyasuta Days Festival

Need something to do this week, head over to the Guyasuta Days Festival! Dennis and the committee have worked tirelessly for month to plan this annual event and this year they are celebrating the 20th anniversary. Check out my updated post from last year about the event.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Playlist of the Week: Hamilton

“There’s a million things I haven’t done, just you wait.”- Alexander Hamilton

I must admit that I have joined the Hamilton bandwagon. Well, I would say I was almost on it from the first time I heard them sing, which I believe was the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade; however, I never had a chance to hear the rest of the musical.

I love the whole historical premise of the musical as well. I would have loved to see it when I was in New York in March but the tickets are more than I pay in rent each month. I even had a coworker with a friend that I could buy tickets from but my priorities are elsewhere this year.

 It's not your typical musical, so even if you don't like musicals give it a try! It's a great blend of a variety of music styles, including hip hop, R & B and traditional theater. Plus it has that amazing story line as well.

That story is based on the award winning book about Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. The musical follows the life of Hamilton, from coming to the United States from the Caribbean, to fighting the British and helping to found this country.

Maybe someday I will get to see this amazing musical but until then I will just listen to the soundtrack over and over since I finally have it on my computer! Check it out at the library or download it today!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday Ten: Sports Movies

Who is excited about the Olympics? Only three days away but I'm not counting or anything! I love every minute of the summer Olympics. My favorite sports are all up: tennis, swimming and sailing. Until then, some of my favorite sports movies to help those three short days pass faster!

10. Cutting Edge

9. The Mighty Ducks

8. Angels in the Outfield

7. Eddie the Eagle

6. Wimbledon
Even if you don't like tennis, just watch to hear Paul Bettany talk. He has the best accent.

5. The Blind Side

4. The Game Plan
So I'm a sucker for kids movies...this one is super cheesy but I love it!

3. Remember the Titans

2. A League of Their Own
There's no crying in baseball!! Tom Hanks at his finest. Ha ha!

1. Miracle
We watch this movie all year long. We quote it. We even picked out some of the players names at the Olympic Village in Colorado Springs.

Of course it's my favorite sports movie! Only the best!

Someone needs to make a swimming movie because that's missing on my list. Enjoy!

Let the countdown to Rio begin!

2016 Halfway Done: Goal/Resolution Progress

I like writing mid-year posts about my New Year's goal/resolution progress. Writing this though, I literally had to go back and find that blog post because I had know idea what my goals for the year were. Obviously, I'm off to a great start!

I started the year just happy that it was no longer the Year of the Knee. I wrote about pretty much the same goals I have year after year regarding traveling, friends and family and buying a house. It was still too early to say anything then but 2017 is most definitely the Year of the Baby.

I had some quotes posted but this one pretty much sums the year up so far and what is ahead.

(Photo Credit: Pinterest)


I've been reading a lot lately. Not really following my original reading list but working on a summer one right now. I've read some great books, which you can read about in my other posts.


I had hoped to be further along organizing by now but it's been busy. Obviously something worked though because the office is finally a nursery!


We went to Denver, Colorado Springs and Boulder in April! What a great trip! I loved the mountains and riding the train to Pikes Peak. Next stop, Key Largo to see Annie!


I found yoga this year. After three-four months of prenatal yoga, I think I actually learned to relax and I feel much more flexible. Hopefully, continuing it after Baby Lane arrives.

How are your 2016 goals coming?

Weekend Reads: Me Before You and We Were Liars

Me Before You
Jojo Moyes

The only reason I read Me Before You was because I thought I might want to see the movie. I typically don't read books that are extremely popular, although I am starting to more. After reading the book, I really have no desire to see the movie and although I rated the book four stars on Good Reads, I'm just not sure the book plot warrants a movie.

For those of you who have seen the movie preview, you probably have a basic idea a summary of the book. Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living with her parents in a small town in England who has been with her boyfriend for more than five years and works at the local coffee shop. When the coffee shop closes unexpectedly, Louisa finds herself without an income and lacking the skills for the majority of the jobs available. She accepts a position as an informal caretaker to young quadriplegic after much encouragement from her family and boyfriend. After getting off to a rocky start, Louisa finds she actually enjoys working with Will Traynor and eventually their employer-employee relationship becomes more like friends and then possibly might even be considered boyfriend-girlfriend. However, Louisa is caught off guard by a decision Will is about to make and the terms of her employment. She attempts to quit before her feelings and beliefs become too involved in the situation but it doesn't work and she is forced to make some difficult decisions along with Will.

(If I say anything more, it would give away too many spoilers to the plot.)

I almost feel that everything worthwhile, if you can call it that happened in the last 100 pages of the book. Now that I'm done and after reading the next book I reviewed, this book felt like it was a bit slow going. It took me longer to read than expected as well. The characters all drove me a little nuts at some point as well but I think their faults just added to how they helped others in the story discover their strengths and ambitions. I almost feel like this book had so much hype around it and it really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. There was so much more potential here to do more with the story line. Again, there is so much about this book that I don't want to give away that I won't say much more about it.

If you plan to see the movie or you need a book for the beach, read it. I'm too critical and I'm finding lately that I rate a book on Good Reads and by the time I write the review my entire opinion has changed about the book after thinking into it more.

We Were Liars
E. Lockhart

I hadn't intended on finishing two books this weekend but when I started this one I couldn't put it down. I did though because I had so much to do around the apartment but I of course treated myself with reading a few chapters for every item I crossed off my to-do list. When I went to bed I had less than 100 pages left and I needed to know what happened, so of course I stayed up and finished it. I'm suffering that decision now as I'm struggling to stay awake.

The Sinclair family has been summering on their own private island, Beechwood, for generations. The patriarch has a house and his three daughters also all have houses across the island. As one might imagine, you would have to be quite wealthy to own an island with four large homes on it and money is not a problem for the Sinclair family. However, there is much turmoil regarding trust funds, inheritances, the island houses and the patriarch's will as he becomes older and more demented. While the three sisters, spend the majority of one summer bickering over these items, the older grandchildren, affectionately known as the Liars, realize steps must be taken to ensure that the family does not dissolve over money. How far are they willing to go though to save their family from demise?

The book has many flashbacks to the summer when these events happened, the summer Cady missed on the island due to the aftermath of that previous summer and then the following when she struggles to remember what actually happened the summer she and the rest of the Liars were 15. It's not really what you think this book might be. It starts out as a summer read about a wealthy family but becomes so much more as the suspense builds around Cady's recovered memories. Again, I really can't say much more because there is a major plot twist that I do not want to give away. 

I loved this book and I told my coworker if I was a teen librarian still, I would have definitely book talked this for summer reading visits. I could definitely picture myself on the island with the Liars and enjoying the summer traditions they loved. It's funny because I found myself getting angry with some of the characters and then the plot twist happened and everything made sense then. The author weaves a very suspenseful tale of family, money, prejudice and love. 

Run to the library and check this one out! It's a young adult book and a quick read, perfect for a day at the pool or the lake! They should make this one into a movie!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday Minute: Christmas in July

It's Christmas in July! What are you doing to celebrate? I wish I planned better or it was a weekend and I would have a party but that's not happening. Plus I'd be sad I couldn't drink my Jingle Juice. The extent of my celebrating might be a Christmas movie but I have to much to do for even that I think. So, this year I'll take a rain check on Christmas in July. 

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy National Tequila Day!

Happy National Tequila Day! Too bad I still have a few more days or weeks before I can have a taste of tequila again! I must say I'm very much looking forward to it. In the meantime I will just gaze longingly at a margarita.

Pink lemonade has been my drink of choice during pregnancy, so maybe after Baby Lane arrives I'll try one of these.

(Picture Credit and Recipe: The 2 Seasons)

Have one for me! 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Book Review: What Remains

What Remains: A Memoir of Fate, Friendship and Love
Carole Radziwell

I was so excited when this book ended up on our schedule for book club and I wanted to love it so much. I didn't hate it but I'm not going to run out and buy it for my collection or read it again. No disclaimers are needed for this book because everyone knows what happens or will remember once they start reading. Ironically, we read it the week of the anniversary of JFK, Jr's death as well.

The book is not solely about JFK, Jr. though. It is about his cousin, Anthony Radziwell and his wife Carole, who remains his loyal spouse throughout five years of cancer. The couple really never has a life without the awful disease. Carole writes from the heart about the struggles of marriage to not only a man dying of cancer far before his time but also a Polish prince and the nephew of one of the most iconic American presidents, John F. Kennedy. It's hard to fathom how she survived that summer, a summer that was supposed to be spent treasuring her final days with her husband on Martha's Vineyard. Those days were cut short not by his death (which would come eventually - only weeks later) but the untimely death of his cousin, John and his wife, Carolyn, Carole's best friend.

The parts of Carole's memoir I found most interesting were her detailed accounts of her childhood and teenage years and her life at ABC. After reading this book, I realized that neither Carole or Carolyn really fit the mold for a Kennedy-Radziwell wife. They were definitely no Lee or Jackie with childhoods complete with trips to Europe, summers on the Rhode Island coast or elaborate dinner parties. Yet the men loved them and overlooked these faults and ignored the comments made by their famous mothers and sisters. These stories of her past were much easier to read than the detailed accounts of hospital stays and grief. Some of those sections seemed to almost be written in a different voice but I can understand it being hard to relive those days and then write about them.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in history. These couples were more than historical figures though, often appearing in the tabloids, so they were part of pop culture. It was a much different glimpse of the famous family than what I've read in the past in JFK, Jr.'s biographies and The Day John Died. I don't want to say she was on the outside but she was some of the time, so it's a different perspective.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pinterest Party: Lamp DIY

A few months ago, my mom gave me these literally butt ugly lamps that she was getting rid of and that I planned to give a little love and redo. I wanted them to replace the crappy Ikea lamps beside our bed that are awful and half broken. Well, life happened and the lamps sat in probably every room in the house waiting for new life. Finally, when I had no choice but to make the office into a nursery, the lamps ended up in my bedroom and I just couldn't look at them, so I started to refinish them.

I wanted something simple. I did some Pinterest searching but really didn't find anything I liked too much. I did see a cool lampshade using sisal rope, so I bought some of that and started in on the lamp shade. It took a lot more rope than I thought! Almost two rolls per shade! Then I painted the stand. I have to do a little touch up on the shade and I'm not sold on the stand. I think I might add a stripe or two of another color and maybe a gloss on top. This is only one of two, so once I get this one squared away the other should be smooth sailing.

I'll post an update once the lamp or both lamps are completely done.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nursery Sneak Peak: Reading Wall

Here's a sneak peak at part of the nursery that I'm really proud of. This was pretty much a total DIY project that I pulled together from looking at multiple pictures on Pinterest. We don't really have a theme for the nursery but I wanted the books to be the focal point. You know me!

It was rather simple looking back. We painted some old shelves from my parents house for the books. I bought a few books from Half Price Books and pulled a few pages to frame. I painted the READ letters. I found the Dr. Seuss print in the Dollar Section at Target and added a ribbon to hang it. 

It was pretty affordable as well. The only items I had to buy were the paint for the shelves (which I'm also using for the dresser/changing table), the letters, books and frames. I love using books as art, so this is the perfect display. I kind of want it in other rooms too!

Below the book wall, we bought a cube shelf from Target to hold more books (are you really surprised), toys and blankets. It's working out pretty well for now. Baby Lane already has so many books and toys!

That's today's preview. Hopefully by next week I'll have the changing table done and the "gallery wall" completed. We built the crib last weekend, so progress is definitely being made and we are almost ready for Baby Lane's arrival.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Monday Minute: Gift Ideas

It seems like there is a lot to celebrate this summer and not just the usual weddings and baby showers. My bank account has taken a hit this year with so many gifts - graduations, retirements, 1st birthdays, thank yous - you name it, I probably bought a gift. I highlighted here for today's Monday Minute, gift ideas for retirement and graduation.

The director at the library retired and her retirement party was on Friday. I had never been to a retirement party and thanks to some help from Pinterest, I found a creative gift idea that I modified a bit. And of course I didn't take any pictures, so this really is a brief glimpse at that gift idea. It was a retirement bucket list, so I basically just bought different items for activities you could do in retirement and put notes on them. Some examples were an adult coloring book, a movie and a travel magazine.

(Photo Credit: Pinterest)

Then Dennis and I both had cousins graduate. I love graduation gifts and a few years ago I found this great idea on Pinterest that I've now done four or five times. It's so simple too. You just get a plastic container and fill it with lots of small things that students need in college - office supplies, gift cards, food, etc. It can be done on any budget too by the size of the container and the amount of items you put in. It works great for guys and girls too!

(Picture Credit: Pinterest)

Those are just two gift ideas. Maybe you'll find one works for your next occasion!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summer Reading List

Of course this is my favorite blog post when I release my summer reading list! It's late this year because of my blog hiatus but hey, better late than never, which is why some of the books I've already read. This is what I plan to/planned to read this summer not counting my book club books.

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Here's my blog post about this book.

1 Dead in the Attic by Chris Rose
Here's my blog post about this book.

Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

The Vacationers by Emma Bloom
Here's my blog post about this book.

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand
I finished this one Memorial Day weekend but I didn't write a post about it. Of course I loved it!

A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
Here's my blog post about this book.

American Wife by Curtis Sittenfield
Unfortunately, I didn't write  a post for this one but would definitely recommend. I love all of her books as well.

I went to a great book sale this week, so I got new titles and I'm debating switch these ones out for some of my new ones:

Lucky Us by Amy Bloom
Summer of Firefly Memories by Joan Gable
Bittersweet by Miranda Beverly Whittemore
Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

What's on your summer reading list? I can't wait to get started on some of my new book sale books! Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Monday Minute: Yoga

I can't believe I'm actually writing this but yoga is my new obsession. I've been trying to get the hang of it since my Mount Union days and it finally happened this spring after numerous failed attempts. Maybe its because I'm pregnant and I like the way it makes me feel afterwards...who knows but I have decided to stick with it. Right now I'm just in prenatal yoga, which is covered by insurance and I credit to my lack of all the annoying pregnancy symptoms. My last two sessions are this week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do without it. I will be doing yoga again in the fall. That's my quick thought for this Monday Minute. Namaste.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today's Snapshot: Smiles

I was looking through some old photos on Facebook and was thinking how happy some of them make me to look at over and over. Do you every feel that way? Here's a collage of some of my favorites. Maybe you are in them! It's basically just the featured photos on Facebook, which I'm still not sure of the point.

Picture 1: Dennis and I by the Upper Lake at Lutherlyn before the wedding reception. Picture 2: The sign for Lakeside at the end of the Sandusky Bay Bridge. Picture 3: Annie, Meg and I before celebrating New Year's Eve on our cruise to Key West and the Bahamas. Picture 4: The sunset swim after the Luau on the Lake. Picture 5: Celebrating my 25th birthday with my Lakeside friends at the Jamestown.

Be happy and have a wonderful week! Enjoy the warm weather!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Summer Date Night Ideas

Happy Weekend!

I love summer so much. I wish it could be this temperature and this beautiful out all year round. Today is a perfect day! The sun is shining, there is a nice warm breeze and no rain in the forecast.

It's a wonderful day for a trip to a farmer's market or a picnic in the park, not to mention a swim at the local pool. A great date afternoon! What do you and your significant other do in the summer for date days/afternoons/nights?

Dennis and I don't get many dates since we are both so busy and probably will get even fewer once the little guy arrives soon but when we do they are pretty simple in the summer.

Here are just a few:

Go swimming.

Grill dinner.
We made chicken and potatoes this week on the grill. So much better than cooking or eating inside!



(Pictures from our urban gardening adventures two years ago. Looks pretty similar this year, except we only did sunflowers and veggies to freeze and puree for baby food.)

Attend a Pirate game.

(Picture from a game last year. We made it to two already this year and were hoping for a third but those seats are not comfortable when you are in your third trimester!)

Get ice cream.
Dennis introduced me to Glen's Custard in Springdale this summer. Amazing! It's probably my new favorite ice cream place. There is miniature golf there too but we haven't tried that yet; although that is another typical summer date for us.

Play disc golf.

Play golf or go to the driving range.

Watch Apollo 13 or The West Wing.
I'm not gonna lie this is basically all we watch if there we are both home (which is rare) and there isn't a Pirate game on (which is also rare). We watched West Wing this week and Apollo 13 last week.

So, why not enjoy the beautiful weather and have a date this weekend!

Happy Summer!! Enjoy it!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Book Review: The Vacationers

The Vacationers
Emma Straub

I finished The Vacationers on Fourth of July. What a great summer read! There have been numerous reviews about this book and it seems to come up on on all those summer reading lists on Pinterest. I'm so glad I decided to read it. It is so well written and will make you want to take the next plane to Spain.

The Vacationers follows the Post family on a two week vacation in Mallorca, Spain. A dreaded vacation by some since some of the family members and two close friends harbor secrets that if shared may hurt or surprise others. Franny and Jim are commemorating their 35th anniversary with the trip; however, they can hardly speak to each other and a potential separation or divorce is imminent because of Jim's recent actions that forced an early retirement from a position his loved.
Sylvia, Franny and Jim's daughter is preparing to attend college in the fall and anticipating a new life away from some embarrassing mistakes made in high school. Bobby, the couple's grown son is struggling with financial troubles and commitment issues with his much-older girlfriend, Carmen. Family friends, Charles and Lawrence are about to embark on the parenthood journey and each has his trepidations. As tensions rise among all parties, will secrets be revealed and family ties, friendships and romances ruined?

This book should be on every one's summer reading lists. A review is hard to write because there is so much I don't want to give away about the book. When you read the inside cover you don't really get too much of an idea about the book either, so check it out at the library and read it at the pool or beach this weekend. It's definitely enjoyable!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pinterest Party Planning

Tonight, my sister, cousins and I had a Pinterest Party. I've been working on giving two old lamps of my parents a makeover but I took a break from that to work on what I'm calling my nursery gallery and reading walls. Here's what I've been thinking...

Gallery Wall

The gallery wall is definitely still a major work in progress. It started out as much more but then for some reason seems to have dwindled to almost nothing. This is what I do know.

1. Painted Hangers - I came across the best find a few years ago at Construction Junction when I found an entire bin of Baby Gap hangers after a local Gap store closed. My only regret is that I didn't purchase more than one. I had intended to paint them for a friend's baby but never got around to it...lucky me! My plan is to paint these and write the baby's first and middle name on them.

2. Giraffe Canvas Print - The picture below is an example of what I am envisioning for the giraffe print. I haven't decided if I'm going to use wood or canvas and if I'm going to paint the giraffes or use fabric or scrapbook paper. Thoughts? The example is painted on wood but the other examples I looked at have been a variety of the options.

(Photo Credit: Make It & Love It)

3. Gift Bag Frame - We got so many cute gift bags at the shower that I really hate to shove them in my gift bag collection to reuse. I saw on Pinterest that an easy DIY for a nursery is to frame gift bags. I'm not sure if I want to use my floating frame for just one or make a collage.

(Photo Credit: Serenity Now)

Note: It's funny that the picture I saw for the framed gift bag is the one that the previous blogger used as inspiration for the giraffe print.

4. Chalkboard Quote: There was a chalkboard at my shower for when people signed the guest book that I'm going to reuse for the gallery wall. My sister is working on writing a quote on that for me.

5. Tie: When I was cleaning out the office (now nursery), I found one of my grandpa's ties that I have had since he died. It's an awesome tennis tie, which means a lot to me since we played tennis together. I'm going to hang this on the gallery wall as well.

Reading Wall

The reading wall is what I'm putting above cube shelf that has some of Baby Lane's books and toys. This is my inspiration but my shelves are much shorter, so I have room to add book inspired artwork. My favorite!

I should add that my cube shelf is dark wood to match the crib and one not two shelves. It has six cubes.

(Photo Credit: Pinterest (Link to Blog Blocked)

1. Framed Book Pages/Covers: My original plan was to frame pages from mine and Dennis' favorite children's books but that proved harder than I expected because I didn't want to spend a lot to cut the book apart. I went to Half Price to see what I could find. I ended with The Kissing Hand and Guess How Much I Love You. I also found an ABC book from Williamsburg, which was a great find since we both love it there and hopefully Baby Lane will go there soon.

2. Oh the Places You'll Go Print: I found this in the Dollar Bins at Target. I wanted this as one of the frames but the book was so expensive and couldn't bear to cut it up for that price, so this was a perfect find!

3. READ Letters: I have four different letter styles to paint and hang above the shelves.

Alright, that's my Pinterest Party update and nursery reveal for today. Wait for pictures of finished items later on!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Happy Hump Day!

It's been a short week but I'm already saying, "Thank God, it's Wednesday and almost the weekend." I'm exhausted and ready for this long, short week to be over soon. The week after a long, holiday weekend are always the worst.

So, a quick post for my tired state of mind on Wishful Wednesday. Hey, a girl can dream! This week, since my birthday is coming up on July 15 and Tom Hanks birthday is coming up on July 9 (yes, I know when his birthday is) and today marks the 22nd anniversary of the release of Forrest Gump, I'd like him to come get me for lunch tomorrow or dinner or ice cream. Whatever, it doesn't really matter...

We can talk about his new movie and how he is definitely the best actor ever! Just wishful thinking... T.hanks!

(Picture Credit: Deadline)

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Monday Minute: HaPpY fOuRtH of JuLy!!

Happy Fourth of July! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend - spending time with friends and family, enjoying a much-needed vacation or just relaxing at home. My weekend mostly consisted of listening to the Party Pod, wishing it was warmer to go swimming and getting the apartment ready for Baby Lane's arrival and carpet cleaning tomorrow. Plus, due to some schedule changes I got to spend Sunday night and all day Monday with Dennis. That was a nice surprise. 

I must say this is quite possibly the safest Fourth of July I've had in a long time since I wasn't blowing things up while doing fireworks and damaging my liver with way too many jello shots and vodka gummy bears.

Here are three quick items about my holiday weekend for today's Monday Minute.

1. We've had a lot of questions about Baby Lane's nursery. It's still a work in progress but here's a little preview of one of the wall decorations using these great alphabet cards I bought on Etsy.

2. Popsicles are one of the only foods I like eating right now. It's not really just a pregnancy thing since I live on them pretty much every summer. I thought I needed something a little healthier than freezer pops or fudge pops, so I made some homemade ones today using this recipe from Pinterest. I didn't have frozen mango, so I substituted it for raspberry, which I actually like better.

3. I've been reading The Vacationers by Emma Straub this weekend. What a great summer book! I'm a few pages from the end, so I'll have a review up later this week. Check it out!

And that is my Monday Minute, a little longer today but it was a holiday weekend! Happy Fourth and I hope the fireworks where you live aren't rained out like ours!

Friday, July 1, 2016

June Reading Round-Up

Oh, hey there blog world! It's me, Carrie and I'm back. Ready to share more book reviews and get back into writing after a long hiatus for which I have no excuse other than maybe pregnancy exhaustion. We'll see how much writing gets done though after the babe arrives.

I was reading a good amount in June but then I started reading The Book Thief and two weeks later I'm still reading! That drives me nuts. I typically finish a book in a weekend. I'm not even that far. Granted, I am reading it on my tablet and sometimes I don't read as fast on there but I honestly think the book just isn't grabbing my attention enough. Everyone I know that read this book loved it except for one person. I guess I'm in the minority here and I've decided to not waste anymore time on it. Plus my tablet is dead right now, so good excuse. I'm going to start The Vacationers tonight for the holiday weekend.

Here are some of the other books I ready in June. It's a pretty eclectic mix I supposed.

1 Dead in Attic
Chris Rose
This book is an emotional collection of stories told by journalist Chris Rose in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The stories were at times heartbreaking but than the next one might be humorous, making light of an incredibly serious situation. We all saw the news stories and remember the images on TV but reading about it from an insider's perspective was particularly interesting. I found this book on a list or Pinterest but I was hoping I could talk Dennis into reading it - not happening. I tried at least. I would recommend it to anyone interested in history, current events or natural disasters. Plus I love his writing style as someone with a small journalism background.

Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon
When I picked  this book up as an ARC at a conference, I really didn't know if I would ever read it but I needed a book fast after quickly finishing another and there it was. To my surprise, I loved it and read it in a day. This young adult book is about a teen girl who is allergic to everything and basically lives in a bubble. No surprise when you live in a bubble that one of her only hobbies is reading, so I enjoyed her brief mentions of different books and the humorous one liners about them. This book is also hard to describe without giving too much away. It has almost a Fault in Our Stars feel to it and there is a major plot twist at the end that I should have saw coming but didn't. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys young adult books. It is written in diary form as well, which I always find fun and one that makes for a quick read.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Sherman Alexie
I honestly don't know how I was a teen librarian for four years and conducted how many book talks about this book yet never officially read it. Well, when I was at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Summer Reading Extravaganza I decided to check it out and finally get reading. I loved it and I can clearly see why teens love it as well, especially teen boys who are often reluctant readers. I can also see why its on some banned book lists and might be considered controversial. Again, this young adult book is written in diary form and details the life of Junior, who lives on a Spokane Indian Reservation. He realizes that despite his family and best friend living on the reservation, his life will never get better unless he makes an effort starting now to get off the reservation and start making a life for himself. He does this by transferring high schools. Heartbreaking at times, hilarious at others this book is definitely a must read and a recommendation for any young adult book lover!

I also finished American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld at the very beginning of June. While I enjoyed it since she is one of my favorite writers, I'm still not sure if I loved or hated it since it is supposedly loosely based on the life of Laura Bush. We all know how I feel about the first ladies... Read it, make your own decision.

Happy Summer Reading and Fourth of July Weekend!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Gift Ideas: Anniversary

Do you celebrate anniversaries with gifts? My answer of course is that every special occasion should be celebrated with gifts but of course that's just me. I love to give gifts!

Dennis and I have only been married a little more than two years, so my anniversary gift ideas today will focus on my own personal experience - 1st and 2nd anniversaries. I would like to follow those traditional charts of anniversary gifts but that isn't always the case.

Here is an example of what I am talking about:

(Image from Pinterest.)

So for a 1st anniversary, the traditional gift is paper. Last year, I ordered Dennis a small picture canvas of a wedding photo and the lyrics to our song on top of the picture. It's kind of hard to describe but I included a picture below. These are affordable gifts for any occasion because they are always on Groupon or Living Social. The picture is really simple to make as well, I just used PowerPoint.

Then I made one of those great Year in Reviews that are always popping up on Facebook. I included places we visited, restaurants we liked, etc. Then I decided to make it into a scrapbook with pictures, so that I could make a page each year.

Finally, I got 12 brown paper bags (lunch size) and put a date of a special event within our first year on the front of the bag. Inside I put a gift that represented that event. For instance, we went to some Pirate games, so I put a Pirate gift card inside. Then I had 12 gifts. Some could be very simple and cost-friendly, and others like the gift card may cost more.

This year, the traditional gift was cotton. This was a little harder. I did a lot of Pinterest searching of course. I ended up doing six different gifts that spelled out cotton and had a Post-It on each one. I also made the scrapbook page to add to the gift from the year before. So, cotton ended up being:

C: Candle (cotton smelling)
O: One pair of tickets to see Spectre
T: Toilet Paper
T: Tennis Shoes
O: One Blockbuster hit - San Andreas
N: New sheets

Well, those are two years of anniversary gifts and some ideas that could be applied tho more then the 1st and 2nd anniversaries.

Until next time, Happy Gifting!