Saturday, September 28, 2013

Where one door closes, another opens...

In life, we often have to make difficult decisions. I made one of those decisions this week when I accepted the library director position at North Versailles Public Library and submitted my resignation from my current position of director of marketing and development and teen librarian at the Western Allegheny Community Library.
The decision has prompted a range of emotion. Excitement at the opportunities present at this new position. Sadness at the thought of leaving my coworkers who after three years together have become family. Anxiety at the realization that I'm switching jobs and getting married in the same month. But mostly I'm just happy. Happy to be moving on.
When I graduated from Kent State University, I told myself that I wanted to be a library director within three years. I missed the mark on my graduation date but I'm still within a year. I'm proud of the hark work I've completed and the contacts I've made since then and that at the age of 30 (gasp) I will be a library director!
So as my final days wind down to a week and I prepare for my replacement (two people!), I'm met with bittersweet feelings. The excitement continues to mount (it probably doesn't help that our wedding is less than a month away!!) but also sadness to say goodbye. As my dear friend Alex says, "It's not goodbye, it's see you later."
So, here's to new beginnings (a little closer to home!)!!!

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