Monday, April 1, 2013

Postcard Pinterest Project

My mom collected postcards when she was a child and teenager that people had sent her from their travels.  She received a good amount from family, friends and colleagues of my Grandpa, who worked in the trade department at Mellon Bank and was always receiving postcards from his coworker's international travels.  Somewhere along the line, the green box full of postcards became mine.  When I was younger, I loved looking at the different postcards, especially the ones my grandparents brought back from their trip to Switzerland and the ones from places I had been and how different these destinations look 20 and 30 years later.  The green box has travelled with me to my different apartments but for the first time, I have had the desire to share this collection.  No one sees it in a box.  I want it to become art.
Step in Pinterest.  I found this a few months ago on Pinterest and I think I'm going to try and make it this weekend, so I'll have to post the follow-up pictures next week.
There is a great place to hang it in the hallway of our apartment.  I also have an old atlas from my grandparents that I always wanted to frame some of the maps.  Dennis and I each chose three countries, so I'm going to hang those on the other part of the hallway.  Then it will be an interesting walk back to the bedrooms and bathroom!
Check back next week for updates on my project!

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