Friday, April 5, 2013

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

Its been a difficult week training-wise for the half-marathon.  For the majority of the week, I had absolutely no motivation and lost the most important part of training, the belief that I am possible of running 13.1 miles.  

On Wednesday, I was ready to throw in the towel and quit.  It was bad.  I was so down on myself because training is not coming as easy as it did last year.  There are a number of reasons that could be affecting my training progress.  I attribute most of it to the weather.  I haven't been able to run outside as often.

The problem is my short runs are right on par.  Every time I run, my time either stays the same or improves.  The minute I start a long run its like I slow down big time.  It's hard for me keep the motivation to run six, seven, eight miles. I do it but its definitely not well.

With a lot of encouragement from Dennis, I was able to try again.  I ran my fastest two miles last night after work at the gym.  Today, I ran seven miles.  There were some roadblocks - sidewalk closures and a hill that hurt just as bad to walk as it did to run.

I'm still disappointed in myself - my time and progress but I'm going to concentrate harder on supporting and believing in myself.  I know I can do it!  Anything is possible, maybe I'll be faster than last year!

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