Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Today I'm looking forward to a fresh start in 2016. 2015 revolved around my knee surgery and recovery. Nothing much else happened, so I'm excited for more travel, time with friends and family and hopefully a house!

These are some great quotes and inspiration I found on Pinterest that I hope to live by in the New Year.

I've said this before but Pinterest is one of the best and worst things in the world. There are so many wonderful things to try, make and do but definitely not enough time. This is a round-up of  a few pins I'd love to try this year.

Reading Lists

I used this pin to make my reading list for 2016. I've already started reading. It's great to be reading again after a long absence. I know that sounds crazy but I started 2015 off reading a lot but after my surgery I kept falling asleep when I read. Then I read a lot in the summer but got really busy in the fall and during the holidays, so I'm back at it.


The paper trail in our life has gotten out of control. I need a new system. Hence why I'm pinning so many paperwork organization ideas. This is a must for 2016.


I have a conference in Denver in April, so we are making a vacation out of it. Neither Dennis or I have ever been to Denver, so I'm pretty excited to see as much as I can in a short amount of time while not in conference sessions. Pinterest is a great resource for travel suggestions.

Healthy Lifestyle

2015 was all about walking again and finding workouts that fit my knee restrictions. I'm excited to spend more time in the pool and on the spin bike. I have enough swimming workouts pinned to last me a while.

That's just a few pins I'm trying. What are you hoping to accomplish in 2016 from your Pinterest pins?

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