I had been waiting to read Sarah's Key forever. I'm not sure what kept me from reading. Perhaps the popularity of the book at first and its unavailability at the library. Or perhaps I expected book club to read it since it had been recommended as a great discussion piece; however, we ended up making a rule about take a year off from Holocaust books. Therefore, when I saw it at a book sale I grabbed it. I read it last weekend in two days. I didn't want to put it down.
Sarah's Key is one of the book that is essentially two stories that eventually weave together and become one. The present day story revolves around Julia, an ex-patriot and journalist, assigned a piece about the 60th anniversary of the Vel' d' Hiv, a roundup of French Jews in 1942. The other story revolves around Sarah, a ten-year-old girl who lives one fateful night in the summer of 1942 with her mother and eventually father under the impression that she will be returning shortly to the family's apartment since she has locked her little brother in the cupboard.
The key to the cupboard with the little boy keeps Sarah fighting for freedom and eventually links her story with Julia's. As with many of these Holocaust books, there is immense sorrow but there is joy as well and through Julia, both her family and Julia's find some peace. There are many surprises, which I don't want to give away, so read Sarah's Key. You will learn something new too!
Happy Reading!
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