Sunday, January 4, 2015

Simplify Sunday: Old Christmas Cards

Today, I was taking down the Christmas cards that were hanging in my kitchen. Don't worry! It's the only piece of Christmas that I'm taking down, especially considering that I didn't get my decorations up until late. I'm just trying to organize the kitchen and they needed to go.

What do you normally do with your old Christmas cards?

I absolutely love receiving and sending Christmas cards but once January comes around its hard to part with those that have been received yet it is also hard to come up with a good plan on why they should be kept year after year.

In the past, I think I either donated the cards to the library for projects with my teens or recycled them. Sometimes I even used them for my only DIY projects, which I didn't really get to do this year. What to do then?

I was searching around online and found that you could donate old Christmas cards. There is an organization called St. Jude's Ranch for Children, which uses the front of the cards to make new ones that are sold to raise money for the organization. Learn more here.

I decided to send them a stack. I didn't really have that many to send once I weeded out the picture cards and ones with sentimental value that I either hang on the refrigerator or use as bookmarks. They also don't take American Greetings, Disney or Hallmark so that dwindled the stack.

Just an option that I found interesting, especially since many don't know what to do with those old cards. Don't want to throw them away or spend the money to send them away...donate them to the local library!

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