Friday, January 17, 2014

Venting My Runner Woes

Ok, we are two weeks into training. It hasn't been that bad. I haven't been able to get every workout in but I make sure if anything to get the runs in. The weather has been so crazy that I've been fortunate to get some runs in both inside and outside. Here's where my dilmenna much as I hate it, running on the treadmill has gone very well and I've decreased my time each run. However, the minute I get outside to run I feel like I'm going to die after the first few blocks. I'm going to trump it up to the fact that my lungs can't handle the cold air, which could quite possibly be true. This morning's run started bad and I ended up just doing intervals for two miles. The change in workouts actually helped and I think I ran faster, so essentially I did some speed work. Now if I just could get some yoga and weight training in, I'll be in good shape. Ready to up the mileage this weekend I guess...


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