Monday, November 11, 2013

We missed you...

Our wedding was beautiful. It was better than was amazing! It was a day I will never forget. However, there were a few things missing. Correction, a few people were grandparents.

It's Veteran's Day, which always makes me think of my grandpa but today I'm remembering all three grandparents and thinking about how much I wished they could have been at our wedding. I was so blessed to have all three of my grandparents as long as I did but it broke my heart that they would not be at my wedding. I wanted to dance with my grandpa, watch my grandparents do the anniversary dance and hear my Grandma Kay make hilarious comments under her breath about people's outfits.

We all know I don't show a lot of emotion, which I can thank my Grandma Kay for since she was the same. I made it to the hymn at the wedding without a meltdown, which was triggered because I couldn't stop thinking about them. Music always does that to me. Dennis got me calmed down though.

Then I realized they were spirit...and in the ways we chose to remember them during the ceremony and reception. It was much colder than we expected, so I wore my Grandma Grace's coat from the 1930's and her pearls. One of the preludes, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, was one of my Grandma Kay's favorite pieces. The card holder at the reception was decorated with love notes that my grandparents wrote to each other. My favorite part though...the charms with their pictures on the bouquet.

My wish for Dennis and I now is that we will have a marriage as long and happy as my beloved grandparents. We can all learn a lot from our grandparents, including the importance of a strong marriage.

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