Well, I will be the first to admit that I was not originally thrilled with the Hunger Games series. I read the first book but had no desire to read any further. Normally, I'm not a fan of popular series either but with all the hype surrounding the film release I caved.
During the last month, I have had two teen programs at the library to celebrate the film release. The first party had wacky trivia, a cornucopia challenge and archery (plastic of course). Then yesterday, we played trivia games beforehand at the theater and then watched the movie.
Somewhere along the way, I got hooked. Perhaps it was seeing the excitement of the teens regarding the book and the movie release or that the movie ended up being absolutely fabulous! Now I want to read the first book again and the last two as well.
From a librarian's perspective, it makes me so happy to see that the teens, both boys and girls, are excited about a book! So many, that today when I checked the hold list, it was almost 800! I loved watching the kids laugh, cry, scream and clap during the movie yesterday.
Now, don't get excited, I am not jumping on the Twilight or Harry Potter bandwagons yet. I tried and it wasn't my thing. Hunger Games may be though! I want to be Katniss for Halloween next year!
Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!
(The odds aren't in your favor if you want to get the book from the library. Sorry, I'd buy it if you really want to read it.)
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