"Watch your thoughts for the become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny!"
~ Margaret Thatcher
~ Margaret Thatcher
Last weekend, I went to the movies with my parents (I know, lame) and saw the Iron Lady, which just may be one of my new favorite movies. It was absolutely fabulous and not just because its British (I love anything British) or because the star is none other than the great Meryl Streep (Yes, she really is a Super Trooper actress and a Dancing Queen!).
For those of you who haven't seen the previews, the Iron Lady depicts the story of Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first and only female Prime Minister. She was a political rockstar in a world dominated by men. A force to be reckoned with, she not only brought Parliament and Britain to new heights, she paved the way for future generations of women. Go Margaret!
The movie was empowering for women (I was ready to go campaign for Congress! We need a librarian in the Senate!). Her influential political career began at a time when the women's role was in the home but she bucked the trend and introduced compassion, class and pearls to Parliament.
The film also did a great job depicting both her personal and political life. Not only was she a wife and mother, but a champion for education, business owners and the underdog. During her tenure in Parliament and as Prime Minister, she witnessed glorious successes and unimaginable tragedy yet she remained composed and led Britain through years of tumult and turmoil.
Margaret Thatcher was and is an incredible person! She is a role model for all women, showing what a lot of determination and hard work can produce. So, if you haven't seen the film, do me a favor, go to the movies this weekend! Trust me, you will love it - you will laugh, you will cry and you will definitely learn something!