A topic today that is near and dear to my heart but one that I am also contemplating right now as to how I want to organize my multiple bookshelves.
There a number of ways I have tried in the past, including by color, subject, size and even gone as far as to try the Dewey Decimal System. That's the librarian in me.
Right now, my four big book cases are loosely subject based. They need straightened and organized more though because I unpacked haphazardly and the subjects are split between the four bookshelves in two different rooms. In addition, I also have a bookshelf that needs to go in the upstairs hall, in my office and an empty shelf in our bedroom. Not to mention Carter's books, which are split between his playroom and his bedroom!
OK, I might have a book problem but is that so bad. I could bestow worse habits upon my child. I am proud of the fact that we read to him every day and he will have no to limited screen time before age two. He attends a faith based story time once a week, goes to the library once a week and attends baby story time at the library at least once a month. As crazy and rambunctious as he may be for a toddler, he will sit and look at books every night and somethings self initiated after dinner or on weekends.
But back to my bookshelves and my massive reorganization need...so, here's my plan:
Add spice racks to the end of the cabinet in the kitchen to store my very few cookbooks that I do intend to use more one day. It is one of my goals to learn to cook.
Limit the number of coffee table books and arrange the remainder on a bottom book shelf.
Arrange my three tall books shelves by subject with books laying horizontally and vertically and interspersed with picture frames and various knickknacks.
Arrange my glass cased book shelf with my vintage books and some of my favorite titles.
Add the books that I am currently reading or intend to read to the bookshelf in my bedroom.
Move professional books to the office and any extra favorites.
Add a bookshelf in the hall to organize Carter's extra books.
Rotate books from his wall shelves and bedroom/playroom shelves monthly.
How do you organize your books? Am I the only crazy out there with this many books? They are after all one of my favorite things.
Happy Reading (and Organizing)!